Data Analytics

I transitioned from transport planning to data analytics back in 2018 when it seemed clear to me that digital was spilling all over consulting and planning topics. I taught myself Python and took a few refresher courses on statistics and computational methods. I learnt the most by working hand-in-hand with data scientists, software developers and data engineer. Eventually I was able to identify opportunities for digital solutions such as automation of repetitive processes, streamlining of workflows such as field surveys and site selections which involve input from many teams.

I've managed the digital teams and components of large-scale projects across various disciplines, including rail, public transit, environmental and ecological surveying, town planning and socioeconomic policies.

I am quite good at coming up with innovative analytic processes to reinforce poor datasets from geographies with challenging data environments and developing analytical workflows to plug these data gaps and improve the quality of existing datasets.

Project Highlight: Banjul Land Use Mapping

UNOPS appointed us as an urban planning technical advisor to support in the development land use plan for the Greater Banjul metropolitan area for the next 20 years in Gambia in West Africa. This included compiling a reliable land use baseline dataset using satellite imagery and machine learning (ML) technology and developing a methodology for ground-truthing this data. 

I led a team of urban designers and data analysts that was responsible for: 

  • Assessing and cataloguing of existing and historic spatial land use data 
  • Running Arup’s internal ML land use mapping tool that relies on satellite imagery to generate data at an 18m resolution for 31 different land use classes
  • Compiling the new data as per the industry’s data management standards to be handed over to the client. 
  • Reporting on the accuracy of the land use data and establish a methodology to be undertaken by the client’s GIS team to ground-truth the data and improve its accuracy.
  • Developing and publishing an online storymap (website) so that the client can make the land use plan open to the public. The storymap included various maps (static and interactive) as well as embedded dashboards.

Website to the masterplan can be found here:

To check out some project highlights featuring my data analytics skills, please visit my Portfolio page.